The Perl test ecosystem

How to write tests in Perl

Eric Johnson / @kablamo_


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


prove is a tool for running Perl tests

prove  # runs tests in 't' and 'xt' directories

prove t  # runs tests in 't' directory

prove t/cowboy t/alien

prove -r t/cowboy t/alien # recursive

prove -lvr # with the 'lib' dir, verbose, recursive

prove          \
  --lib        \ # add 'lib' dir to your $PERL5LIB
  --verbose    \ # more output
  --recurse    \ # run tests in the t dir recursively
  -Pretty      \ # use the prove plugin App::Prove::Plugin::retty
  --jobs 10    \ # run tests in parallel
  --state=slow   # run slowest tests first

Prove states

  • slow: tests that are slow run first
  • fast: tests that are fast run first
  • failed: only run tests that failed the last run
  • passed: only run tests that passed the last run
  • hot: tests that fail frequently run first
  • new: newest tests based on modification time run first
  • old: oldest tests based on modification time run first
  • fresh: only run tests modified since the last run
  • save: save test info to .prove in the cwd


save your options in your ~/.proverc

--lib         # add 'lib' dir to your $PERL5LIB
--verbose     #
--recurse     # run tests in the t dir recursively
--state=save  # save test info to .prove in the cwd
-Pretty       # use the prove plugin App::Prove::Plugin::retty


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules

Test directory layout

├── 00_compile.t        # this test runs first
├── data                # dir for test data
│   ├── alien.json
│   └── cowboy.json
├── lib                 # dir for test libraries
│   └── t
│       └──   # t::Helper
├── Transmogrifier
│   ├── In
│   │   └── Tiger.t     # unit tests for Transmogrifier::In::Tiger
│   └── Out
│       ├── Alien.t     # unit tests for Transmogrifier::Out::Alien
│       └── Cowboy.t    # unit tests for Transmogrifier::Out::Cowboy
└── Transmogrifier.t    # integration tests for
xt                      # extra tests are run only during a release
├── reallyslow.t
└── slow.t
  • prove runs tests in alphabetical order by default
  • prove only runs .t files
  • layout of .t files mirrors organization of .pm files


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


ok( $got, $test_name);
ok(!$got, $test_name);

is  ($got, $expected, $test_name);
isnt($got, $expected, $test_name);

like  ($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);
unlike($got, qr/expected/, $test_name);

is_deeply($got_complex_thing, $expected_complex_thing, $test_name);

isa_ok($object, $class);

# rare, but used for complex logic: 
# eg, if I get to this place, pass()
pass "this test will always pass";
fail "this test will always fail";

# Used to make sure you meant to stop testing here and
# didn't exit/return/die and skip the rest of your tests.


    skip $why, $how_many unless $have_some_feature;

    ok   $got1,                $test_name1;
    is   $got2, $expected,     $test_name2;
    like $got3, qr/$expected/, $test_name3;

$ prove t/tiger.t
t/tiger.t .. 
ok 1 - created a tiger
ok 2 - tiger has sharp teeth
ok 3 - tiger has stripes
ok 4 # skip third party tests
ok 5 # skip third party tests
ok 6 # skip third party tests
All tests successful.


use Test::More skip_all => 'third party tests';

# ...test code here...


$ prove t/tiger.t
t/tiger.t .. 
1..0 # SKIP third party tests
skipped: third party tests
Files=1, Tests=0,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.01 sys +  0.04 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.06 CPU)


    local $TODO = $why;

    is $got, $expected, $test_name;

$ prove t/tiger.t
t/tiger.t .. 
ok 1 - created a tiger
ok 2 - tiger has sharp teeth
ok 3 - tiger has stripes
not ok 4 - the tiger ate # TODO third party tests

#   Failed (TODO) test 'the tiger ate'
#   at t/Transmogrifier/In/Tiger.t line 18.
#          got: 'not implemented yet at /home/eric/code/slides-testing-in-perl/src/lib/Transmogrifier/In/ line 9.
# '
#     expected: undef
All tests successful.


Subtests are really useful and are highly recommended

subtest $name => sub {
    ok $got1,            $test_name1;
    is $got2, $expected, $test_name2;
    is $got3, $expected, $test_name3;
  • Subtests are an organizational tool
  • Subtests help prevent global variables
  • We don't want 1000 line .t files for the same reason
    we don't want 1000 line functions


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Test Anything Protocol

TAP is the stuff your tests output

TAP Syntax

# comic book noises test sequence commencing
# (this line and line before are ignored by the tap parser)
ok 1 - zap()
not ok 2 - bam()
#   Failed test 'bam()'
#   at xt/slow.t line 6.
not ok 3 - pow() # TODO not implemented yet
#   Failed (TODO) test 'pow()'
#   at xt/slow.t line 10.
ok 4 # skip because ComicBook::Noises::Batman is not installed
yargle blargle (this line is ignore by the tap parser)
ok 5 - kaboom()
  • Any output not recognizable as TAP is ignored
  • Any commented output is ignored
  • Parser counts test failures and successes

TAP workflow

  • Your test produces TAP output
  • prove is a small wrapper around TAP::Harness
  • TAP::Harness parses TAP output and calculates a summary
  • So when you run prove, you are both producing TAP and consuming TAP
  • Continuous integration systems might also consume TAP output

TAP recommendations

  • Don't print messages because this can cause TAP parsing to fail
  • If you do print messages, start them with #
  • Or use note(), diag(), explain() which add # in front for you

note "here is a note";         # only displayed in verbose output
diag "here's what went wrong"; # always displayed
explain \%foo;                 # dump a data structure


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Uses Text::Diff to display a diff when the test fails

eq_or_diff $got, "$line1\n$line2\n$line3\n", "testing strings";

$ prove t/boop.t
not ok 1 - testing strings
#     Failed test ((eval 2) at line 14)
#     +---+----------------+----------------+
#     | Ln|Got             |Expected        |
#     +---+----------------+----------------+
#     |  1|this is line 1  |this is line 1  |
#     *  2|this is line b  |this is line 2  *
#     |  3|this is line 3  |this is line 3  |
#     +---+----------------+----------------+
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 1.


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules

Testing data structures

my $person = make_person();
like $person->{name},  '/^(Mr|Mrs|Miss) \w+ \w+$/', "name ok";
like $person->{phone}, '/^0d{6}$/',                 "phone ok";
is scalar keys %$person, 2, "number of keys";

Testing data structures

my $person = make_person();
if (ref($person) eq "HASH")
    like $person->{name},  '/^(Mr|Mrs|Miss) \w+ \w+$/', "name ok";
    like $person->{phone}, '/^0d{6}$/',                 "phone ok";
    is scalar keys %$person, 2, "number of keys";
else {
    fail "person is not a hash";

Testing nested data structures

my $person = make_person();
if (ref($person) eq "HASH") {
    like $person->{name},  '/^(Mr|Mrs|Miss) \w+ \w+$/', "name ok";
    like $person->{phone}, '/^0d{6}$/',                 "phone ok";
    my $cn = $person->{child_names};
    if (ref($cn) eq "ARRAY") {
        foreach my $child (@$cn) {
            like($child, $name_pat);
    else {
        fail "child names not an array";
else {
    fail "person not a hash";


Testing data structures
with Test::More
is doable

Testing horrible complex nested data structures
with Test::More
is painful


my $person  = make_person();
my $name_re = re('^(Mr|Mrs|Miss) \w+ \w+$');
        name        => $name_re,
        phone       => re('^0d{6}$'),
        child_names => array_each($name_re),
    "person ok";


    [$hash1, $hash2, ignore()],
    "first 2 elements are as expected, ignoring third element";


my $expected = {
  name        => ignore(),
  dna         => subsetof('human', 'mutant', 'alien'),
  is_evil     => bool(1),
  weaknesses  => set(@weaknesses), # ignores order, duplicates
  powers      => bag('flight', 'invisibility', 'fire'), # ignores order
  weapons     => any( undef, array_each(isa("Weapon")) );
  home_planet => all(
       number_of_moons   => any(0..100),
       distance_to_earth => code(sub { return 1 if shift > 0 }),
cmp_deeply $superhero, $expected, "superhero hashref looks ok";


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules

Exceptions as strings

Using standard Perl exception syntax

eval { die "Something bad happened" };
warn $@ if $@;

Using Try::Tiny

try   { die "Something bad happened" }
catch { warn $_ };

Exceptions as objects

Using standard Perl exception syntax

eval {
    die My::Exception->new(
        error    => 'Something bad happened',
        request  => $request,
        response => $response,
warn $@->error if $@;

eval {
        error    => 'Something bad happened',
        request  => $request,
        response => $response,
warn $@->error if $a;

Exceptions as objects

Using Try::Tiny

try {
        error    => 'Something bad happened',
        request  => $request,
        response => $response,
catch {
    warn $_->error;


The standard module for testing exceptions

# Check the exception matches a given regex
    exception { $obj->method() },
    qr/Something bad happened/,
    "caught the exception I expected";

# Check method() did not die
    exception { $obj->method() },
    "method() did not die";

# Check method() did not die
lives_ok { $obj->method } 'expecting to live';

Note: Test::Fatal is recommended over Test::Exception


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


use Test::More;
use Test::Warnings;
    warning { $obj->method() },
    'got a warning from method()';

use Test::More;
use Test::Warnings;
    [ warnings { $obj->method() } ],
      'INFO: BEEP!',
      'INFO: BOOP!',
    'got 2 warnings from method()';

use Test::More;
use Test::Warnings;
use Test::Deep;
    [ warnings { $obj->method() } ],
    'got 2 warnings from method()';

Note: Test::Warnings is recommended over Test::Warn


use Test::More;
use Test::Warnings;
pass 'yay!;

$ prove t/test.t
ok 1 - yay!
ok 2 - no (unexpected) warnings (via done_testing)
All tests successful.

Note: Test::Warnings is recommended over Test::NoWarnings


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Searches upward from the calling file for a directory 't' with a 'lib' directory inside it and adds that to the module search path (@INC).

use Test::Lib;
use t::Private::Test::Library;

instead of

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/lib";
use t::Private::Test::Library;


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


use Test::More;
use Test::Cmd;
my $test = Test::Cmd->new(prog => '/bin/ls', workdir => '');

# ls -l /var/log
$test->run(args => '-l /var/log');
is $test->stdout, $expected_stdout, 'standard out';
is $test->stderr, $expected_stderr, 'standard error';
is $? >> 8,       1,                'exit status';

# ls -a
$test->run(args => '-a');
is $test->stdout, $expected_stdout, 'standard out';
is $test->stderr, $expected_stderr, 'standard error';
is $? >> 8,       1,                'exit status';


TIP: You can strip ansi color codes from your program's output using Term::ANSIColor::colorstrip().


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Tell test runners what kind of test you are

use Test::More;
use Test::DescribeMe qw/extended/;

pass "foo";


$ prove t/test.t

1..0 # SKIP Not running extended tests
skipped: Not running extended tests


$ EXTENDED_TESTING=1 prove xt/reallyslow.t 
xt/reallyslow.t .. 
ok 1 - very very slow test
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=1,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr  0.00 sys +  0.03 cusr  0.00 csys =  0.04 CPU)
Result: PASS

See also Test::Settings and the Lancaster Consensus


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Web servers are event driven.

Event driven code looks weird.

The traditional Plack::Test UI is weird.

When a request happens, a code reference (aka callback) gets run.


The traditional Plack::Test UI (widely used)

use Plack::Test;

    app    => My::WebApp->app,
    client => sub {
        # $cb is a callback (aka code reference)
        my $cb  = shift;  
        my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "http://localhost/hello");
        my $res = $cb->($req);
        like $res->content, qr/Hello World/;

$cb is a wrapper around the PSGI app which does the following:

  1. Creates a PSGI env hash out of the HTTP::Request object
  2. Runs the PSGI application in-process -- No forking! No network calls!
  3. Returns an HTTP::Response


Alternate UI for Plack::Test (less common)

use Plack::Test;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

my $app  = My::WebApp->app;
my $test = Plack::Test->create($app);

my $res = $test->request(GET "/");
like $res->content, qr/Hello World/;


No forking.

No network calls.

Makes things very fast and light.


But if you want forking and network calls there are 2 options for you:

  • It can fork and run a server in another process
  • It can send your request to an external web server


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


Generate reports about test coverage


  1. Generate data files in ./cover_db
    $ HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES=-MDevel::Cover prove -lvr
  3. Generate an html report in ./cover_db/coverage.html
    $ cover
  5. View the report. It looks like this


The report tells you the coverage of each of the
following categories as a percentage.

  • stmt: % of statements (lines of code) which were hit by tests
  • bran: % of branches, eg if/else blocks
  • cond: % of conditionals, eg $x && $y || $z
    (useful due to short circuiting)
  • sub: % of subroutines which were hit by tests


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


you can type this

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Exception;
use Test::Differences;
use Test::Deep;
use Test::Warn;

or you can type this

use Test::Most;


  • Test::Fatal is recommended over Test::Exception
  • Test::Warnings is recommended over Test::Warn


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


you can type this

use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More;
use Test::Fatal;
use Test::Warnings;
use Test::API;
use Test::LongString;
use Test::Deep;
use Test::Pod;
use Test::Pod::Coverage;
use Test::Version;
use Test::Moose;
use Test::CleanNamespace;
use Test::Benchmark;
use Test::Requires;
use Test::RequiresInternet;
use Test::Without::Module;
use Test::DescribeMe;
use Test::Lib;

or you can type this (well its roughly equivalent)

use Test::Modern;


Test::Modern doesn't work with Test::Pretty


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules

Without Test::Pretty

~/code/text-vcard ⚡ prove t/vcard.t                                                                                                                                                                                                            
t/vcard.t .. 
    # Subtest: output methods
    ok 1 - as_string()
    ok 2 - as_file()
    ok 3 - file contents ok
ok 1 - output methods
    # Subtest: simple getters
    ok 1 - full_name
    ok 2 - title
    ok 3 - photo
    ok 4 - birthday
    ok 5 - timezone
    ok 6 - version
ok 2 - simple getters
    # Subtest: photo
    ok 1 - returns a URI::http object
    ok 2 - returns a URI::http object
    ok 3 - photo
ok 3 - photo
    # Subtest: complex getters
    ok 1 - family_names()
    ok 2 - given_names()
    ok 3 - prefixes
    ok 4 - suffixes
    ok 5 - work phone
    ok 6 - cell phone
    ok 7 - work address
    ok 8 - home address
    ok 9 - work email address
    ok 10 - home email address
ok 4 - complex getters
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=4,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.00 sys +  0.07 cusr  0.02 csys =  0.12 CPU)
Result: PASS

With Test::Pretty

~/code/text-vcard ⚡ prove t/vcard.t                                                                                                                                                                                                            

  output methods
    ✓  as_string()
    ✓  as_file()
    ✓  file contents ok
  simple getters
    ✓  full_name
    ✓  title
    ✓  photo
    ✓  birthday
    ✓  timezone
    ✓  version
    ✓  returns a URI::http object
    ✓  returns a URI::http object
    ✓  photo
  complex getters
    ✓  family_names()
    ✓  given_names()
    ✓  prefixes
    ✓  suffixes
    ✓  work phone
    ✓  cell phone
    ✓  work address
    ✓  home address
    ✓  work email address
    ✓  home email address


How to use Test::Pretty

Type this on the command line

prove -Pretty t

Or save some typing by adding this to your ~/.proverc



  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules

Other test modules

  • Test::Fixme
  • Test::NoTabs
  • Test::Version
  • Test::Pod
  • Test::Pod::Coverage
  • Test::Synopsis
  • Test::Vars
  • Test::LoadAllModules


  1. Prove
  2. Test directory layout
  3. Test::More
  4. TAP
  5. Test::Differences
  6. Test::Deep
  7. Test::Fatal
  8. Test::Warnings
  9. Test::Lib
  10. Test::Cmd
  11. Test::DescribeMe
  12. Plack::Test
  13. Devel::Cover
  14. Test::Most
  15. Test::Modern
  16. Test::Pretty
  17. Other test modules


These slides are online at


The standard module for testing exceptions for years

Use Test::Fatal instead!

# Check that the stringified exception matches given regex
throws_ok { $obj->method } qr/division by zero/, 'caught exception';

# Check an exception of the given class (or subclass) is thrown
throws_ok { $obj->method } 'Error::Simple', 'simple error thrown';
like $@->error, qr/division by zero/;

# Check method() died -- we do not care why
# dies_ok() is for lazy people; throws_ok() is best practice
dies_ok { $obj->method } 'died as expected';

# Check method() did not die
lives_ok { $obj->method } 'lived as expected';