Branch Coverage


460TFif (exists $d{$key}) { }
550TFwantarray ? :
720TFif ($high == -1 or $aValue > $$array[-1])
890TFif ($aValue == $found) { }
0TFelsif ($aValue > $found) { }
1340TFif (ref $a eq 'HASH')
1420TFunless (ref $a and ref $b)
1500TFif (not defined $keyGen) { }
1670TFif (ref $b eq 'HASH') { }
2040TFif (exists $$bMatches{$ai})
2110TFif ($k and $$thresh[$k] > $j and $$thresh[$k - 1] < $j) { }
2210TFif (defined $k)
2230TF$k ? :
2300TFif (@$thresh) { }
0TFelsif ($counting) { }
2320TFif $counting
2430TFwantarray ? :
2680TFif (defined $bLine) { }
2860TFif ($ai == $lastA + 1 and $bi <= $lastB)
2880TFif (defined $finishedACallback) { }
3000TFif ($bi == $lastB + 1 and $ai <= $lastA)
3020TFif (defined $finishedBCallback) { }
3130TFif $ai <= $lastA
3140TFif $bi <= $lastB
3510TFif $ma > $#$matchVector
3590TFif ($ai < $ma and $bi < $mb) { }
0TFelsif ($ai < $ma) { }
3630TFif (defined $changeCallback) { }
3910TFif ($ai <= $lastA and $bi <= $lastB) { }
0TFelsif ($ai <= $lastA) { }
3950TFif (defined $changeCallback) { }
4260TFunless defined $keyGen
4400TFif (defined $$matchVector[$i])
4450TFwantarray ? :
4800TFunless @$am
4850TFif $ai < @$a or $bi < @$b
4870TFwantarray ? :
5030TFif 0 < @$hunk
5100TFwantarray ? :
5370TFwantarray ? :
5640TFif $$me[6]
5720TFif 1 == $seq or 2 == $seq
58150TFif ref $us
5900TFif $_
5930TFif $_
5970TFif (0 == $$cdif[2] and 0 == $$cdif[3])
6140TFif $pos < 0
6160TFif $pos < 0 or $$me[3] <= $pos
6270TFif defined $base
6360TFif defined $pos
6430TFunless defined $steps
6440TFif ($steps)
6470TFif $pos and $new < 0
6550TFunless defined $steps
6570TFif $pos
6640TFif $$me[4] == (1 & $$me[6])
6680TFif $$me[0][$off + $seq + -2] < $$me[0][$off + $seq]
6790TFunless defined $base
6870TFunless defined $base
6950TFunless (wantarray)
6990TFunless defined $base
7080TFunless (wantarray)
7220TFwantarray ? :
0TFif $$me[4] != (1 & $$me[6])
7480TFunless ($word =~ /^(-?\d+)?([a-zA-Z]+)([12])?$/ and $meth = $getName{lc $2})
7540TF4 == length $name ? :
7610TFif (wantarray) { }
0TFelsif (1 == @value) { }