Branch Coverage


1950TFif ($^O =~ /Win32/i)
11850TFif (scalar @_)
11950TF@_ == 1 ? :
12050TFunless ref $args and ref $args eq 'HASH'
12650TFunless (exists $$properties{'_initialized'})
13250TFif ($args)
13650TF$$properties{'use_prototypes'} ? :
1570TFif (not ref $item and @_ == 0)
16850TFif ($$p{'return_value'} eq 'pass') { }
50TFelsif ($$p{'return_value'} eq 'void') { }
1720TFif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif ($ref eq 'HASH') { }
0TFelsif (grep {$ref eq $_;} 'REF', 'SCALAR', 'CODE', 'Regexp', 'GLOB', 'VSTRING') { }
19050TFunless defined wantarray
19850TFunless ref $_[0]
20550TFunless ($$p{'multiline'})
21650TFif (not $$p{'colored'} or $$p{'colored'} eq 'auto' and exists $ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'} || $wantarray || !(-t $$p{'_output'})) { }
23250TFif ($$p{'caller_info'} and $$p{'_depth'} == 0)
24350TFdefined $$p{'_reftype'} ? :
25050TFif (exists $$p{'_seen'}{$id}) { }
50TFelsif (not exists $$p{'_seen_override'}{$ref}) { }
2510TFunless (defined $$p{'_reftype'})
26350TFif "$item" =~ /GLOB\([^()]+\)$/
26850TFif (exists $$p{'filters'}{$ref})
27050TFif (defined(my $result = &$filter($item, $p)))
27850TFif (not $found and &Scalar::Util::blessed($item))
2810TFif (defined(my $result = &$filter($item, $p)))
28950TFunless ($found)
2930TFif (defined(my $result = &$filter($item, $p)))
30050TFif ($$p{'show_tied'} and $$p{'_tie'})
3180TFif (not defined $$item) { }
0TFelsif (&Scalar::Util::looks_like_number($$item)) { }
3300TFif $$p{'show_tainted'} and &Scalar::Util::tainted($$item)
3350TFif ($$p{'show_readonly'} and &Internals::SvREADONLY($item))
3480TFif ($$p{'print_escapes'})
3750TFif ($$p{'max_depth'} and $$p{'_depth'} > $$p{'max_depth'}) { }
0TFelsif (not @$item) { }
3900TFif ($$p{'index'})
4010TFif (not $ref or $ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
4070TFif $ref and &Scalar::Util::isweak($$item[$i]) and $$p{'show_weak'}
4110TFif $i < $#{$item;} or $$p{'end_separator'}
43450TFif (my $ref_ahead = ref $$item)
43550TFif grep {$_ eq $ref_ahead;} 'SCALAR', 'CODE', 'Regexp', 'ARRAY', 'HASH', 'GLOB', 'REF'
44050TFif &Scalar::Util::isweak($$item) and $$p{'show_weak'}
45250TFif ($$p{'deparse'})
4660TFif ($$p{'max_depth'} and $$p{'_depth'} > $$p{'max_depth'}) { }
0TFelsif (not keys %$item) { }
4850TF$$p{'sort_keys'} ? :
4910TFif ($quote_keys and $quote_keys ne 'auto' || ($key eq '' || $new_key ne $key || $new_key =~ /\s|\n|\t|\r/))
5100TFif ($multiline)
5120TFif $l > $len
5310TFif (not $ref or $ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
5380TFif $ref and $$p{'show_weak'} and &Scalar::Util::isweak($$item{$raw_key})
5430TFif --$total_keys > 0 or $$p{'end_separator'}
5690TFif ($val =~ /\(\?\^?([uladxismpogce]*)(?:\-[uladxismpogce]+)?:(.*)\)/s) { }
5720TFif ($modifiers)
5990TFif $$p{'show_lvalue'}
6180TFif ($flags)
6190TF$flags & 2 ? :
0TF$flags & 1 ? :
6350TFif (my(@flags) = grep({$flags & $flags{$_};} keys %flags))
6420TFunless ($@)
6450TFif $extra
6660TFif ($$p{'class_method'} and my $method = $item->can($$p{'class_method'}))
6750TFif ($$p{'class'}{'show_reftype'})
6820TFif ($$p{'class'}{'expand'} eq 'all' or $$p{'class'}{'expand'} >= $$p{'class'}{'_depth'})
6890TFif ($] >= 5.01) { }
6980TFunless $stash->get_symbol('@ISA')
0TFif (my(@superclasses) = @{[] unless $stash->get_symbol('@ISA');})
6990TFif ($$p{'class'}{'parents'})
7070TFif ($$p{'class'}{'linear_isa'} and $$p{'class'}{'linear_isa'} eq 'auto' && @superclasses > 1 || $$p{'class'}{'linear_isa'} ne 'auto')
7220TFif $$p{'class'}{'show_methods'} and $$p{'class'}{'show_methods'} ne 'none'
7250TFif ($$p{'class'}{'internals'})
75950TFif exists $IDs{$self}
7810TFif ($_ and $m = B::svref_2object($_) and $m->isa('B::CV') and not $m->GV->isa('B::Special')) { }
7960TF$$p{'class'}{'universal'} ? :
8020TFif $seen_method_name{$method_string}++
8040TFsubstr($method_string, 0, 1) eq '_' ? :
8060TFif ($package_string ne $ref)
8070TFunless $inherited ne 'none' and $inherited eq 'all' || $type eq $inherited
8180TFunless $show_methods eq 'all' or $show_methods eq $type
8210TF$$p{'class'}{'sort_methods'} ? :
8260TF@list ? :
86450TFif ($p)
866100TFif ($key eq 'color' or $key eq 'colour') { }
50TFelsif ($key eq 'class') { }
100TFelsif ($key eq 'filters') { }
50TFelsif ($key eq 'output') { }
86850TFif (not ref $color or ref $color ne 'HASH') { }
89050TFif ($item eq '-external') { }
89150TFref $filters ? :
89650TFif ($@) { }
90550TFif $extras{$k}{'show_repeated'}
9120TFref $filters eq 'CODE' ? :
9290TFif (not $ref and exists $output_target{lc $out}) { }
0TFelsif ($ref and $ref eq 'GLOB' or not $ref and (\$out) =~ /GLOB\([^()]+\)$/) { }
0TFelsif (not $ref or $ref eq 'SCALAR') { }
9380TFif (open my $fh, '>>', $out) { }
9490TFif ($error)
96750TFexists $ENV{'DATAPRINTERRC'} ? :
50TFexists $$args{'rc_file'} ? :
97150TFunless -e $file
97450TFif (not $^O =~ /Win32/i and $mode & 16 || $mode & 2)
97950TFif (-l $file or not -f _ or -p _ or -S _ or -b _ or -c _)
98450TFunless (-O $file)
98950TFif (open my $fh, '<', $file) { }
99450TFif (${^TAINT} != 0)
9950TFif ($$args{'allow_tainted'}) { }
100750TFif ($@) { }
50TFelsif (not ref $config or ref $config ne 'HASH') { }