Branch Coverage


21100TFif index('-:', substr($name, 0, 1)) == -1
36100TFif (my $group_name = _group_name($groups[$i][0])) { }
4350TFunless my(%merge) = %$merge
490TFif (&Params::Util::_CODELIKE($groups[$i][1]) or &Params::Util::_SCALAR0($groups[$i][1])) { }
570TF$groups[$i][1]{-'as'} ? :
0TFref $groups[$i][1]{-'as'} ? :
7850TFunless exists $$config{'groups'}{$group_name}
8150TFif $$seen{$group_name}++
8350TFif (ref $group_arg)
860TF$prefix ? :
0TF$suffix ? :
9650TFif (&Params::Util::_CODELIKE($exports) or &Params::Util::_SCALAR0($exports)) { }
1040TF$merge ? :
1080TF&Params::Util::_CODELIKE($exports) ? :
1120TFif ref $group ne 'HASH'
13850TFif $seen{$name}++
14150TFif (ref(my $hook = $$config{'collectors'}{$name}))
15150TFif (&Params::Util::_SCALAR0($hook)) { }
1520TFunless $class->$$hook($value, $arg)
15450TFunless &$hook($value, $arg)
17250TFif $$config{'collectors'}{'INIT'}
18750TFif exists $$config{'into'} and exists $$config{'into_level'}
19150TFexists $$config{'into_level'} ? :
50TFexists $$config{'into'} ? :
2280TFif $reserved_name ne 'INIT'
23650TFif (my(@keys) = grep({not exists $valid_config_key{$_};} keys %$config))
24050TFif exists $$config{'into'} and exists $$config{'into_level'}
24450TFif ($$config{'exporter'})
24950TFif exists $$config{'into'} and exists $$config{'into_level'}
26250TFif (my(@names) = _key_intersection(@$config{'exports', 'collectors'}))
29650TFref $_[0] ? :
29750TFif exists $$special{'into'} and exists $$special{'into_level'}
30050TFif ($$special{'exporter'})
30550TFdefined $$config{'into_level'} ? :
50TFdefined $$config{'into'} ? :
50TFdefined $$special{'into_level'} ? :
50TFdefined $$special{'into'} ? :
319100TFunless @$import_args
35250TFif ($import_arg and &Params::Util::_CODELIKE($import_arg)) { }
357100TF$import_arg ? :
35950TFunless exists $$arg{'config'}{'exports'}{$name}
364100TFexists $$import_arg{-'as'} ? :
410100TFunless (defined $generator)
41150TFunless my $code = $class->can($name)
41950TFif &Params::Util::_CODELIKE($generator)
43750TFif (ref $as eq 'SCALAR') { }
50TFelsif (ref $as) { }
47150TFif (ref $value eq 'HASH') { }
0TFelsif (ref $value eq 'ARRAY') { }