Branch Coverage


3080TFif ref $_ ne 'ARRAY'
3130TFif ref $_ ne 'HASH'
3260TFunless @_
3280TFunless ($allowed_style{$requested_style})
3410TFif @_
3420TFunless ref $_
3430TFif (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { }
3440TFunless @$_
3450TFunless _isnt_ARRAY_of_scalars()
3470TFunless grep _isnt_ARRAY_of_scalars(), @$_
3490TFunless grep _isnt_HASH_of_scalars(), @$_
3540TFunless _isnt_HASH_of_scalars($_)
3630TFif @_
3650TFunless ref $_
3670TFunless $type
3710TFif (ref $_ eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif (ref $_ eq 'HASH') { }
3800TFif ($type eq 'ARRAY of scalars') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'ARRAY of ARRAYs of scalars') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'ARRAY of HASHes of scalars') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'HASH of scalars') { }
4090TFif ($type eq 'ARRAY of ARRAYs of scalars')
4240TFunless defined $str
4250TFif $str =~ /^[0-9]+$/
4370TFif $has_test_pm and not $has_builder_pm
4380TFif not $has_test_pm and $has_builder_pm
4400TFif ($has_test_pm and $has_builder_pm)
4610TFif @_ > 2 and ref $_[-1]
4650TFif $options
4660TFunless ref $vals[0] or ref $vals[1]
4760TFif ($dump_it) { }
4830TFexists $$options{'Sortkeys'} ? :
5020TFunless ($passed)
5050TFif exists $$options{'context'}
5080TFgrep((@$_ > 25), $got, $expected) ? :
0TF$dump_it ? :
0TFunless defined $context
5110TFunless $context =~ /\A\d+\z/
5140TF$data_type eq 'text' ? :
0TF$data_type eq 'text' ? :
0TF$data_type eq 'text' ? :
5290TFif ($which eq 'Test') { }
0TFelsif ($which eq 'Test::Builder') { }
5310TF$passed ? :
5410TFunless $passed
5440TFunless ($warned_of_unknown_test_lib)
5500TFif ($passed) { }