Branch Coverage


420TF!$i ? :
440TFif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') { }
0TFelsif (not $type) { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'GLOB' or UNIVERSAL::isa($seq, 'IO::Handle')) { }
460TFunless defined $$options{"OFFSET_$AorB"}
510TFunless defined $$options{"OFFSET_$AorB"}
550TFunless defined $$options{"OFFSET_$AorB"}
570TFunless defined $$options{"FILENAME_$AorB"}
590TFunless defined $$options{"MTIME_$AorB"}
630TFunless open F, "<$seq"
690TFunless defined $$options{"OFFSET_$AorB"}
830TFif (not defined $output_handler) { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'CODE') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'SCALAR') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'ARRAY') { }
0TFelsif ($type eq 'GLOB' or UNIVERSAL::isa($output_handler, 'IO::Handle')) { }
1070TFunless defined $$options{'STYLE'}
1080TFif exists $internal_styles{$style}
1100TFunless ($style->can('hunk'))
1110TFunless eval "require $style; 1"
1140TFif not ref $style and $style->can('new')
1180TFunless defined $ctx_lines
1190TFif $style->isa('Text::Diff::OldStyle')
1220TF$$options{'KEYGEN_ARGS'} ? :
1320TFunless $hunks++
1540TFif ($diffs and ++$ctx > $ctx_lines * 2)
1600TFif not $diffs and @ops > $ctx_lines
1690TFif ($diffs)
1700TFif $ctx > $ctx_lines
1740TFif $hunks
1760TFdefined $output ? :
1910TFunless defined $fn1 and defined $fn2
1930TFdefined $t1 ? :
0TFdefined $t2 ? :
2100TF$a_or_b == 0 ? :
0TFunless $$ops[-1][2] eq ($a_or_b == 0 ? '+' : '-')
2180TFunless $empty_range
2210TF$format eq 'unified' && $empty_range ? :
0TF$format eq 'unified' ? :
0TF$start == $after ? :
2340TFunless defined $$op_prefixes{$opcode}
2360TFdefined $$op[3] ? :
2380TFunless defined $op_sym
2400TF$$op[2] ne '+' ? :
0TFunless defined $a_or_b
3240TFif $opcode eq ' '
3320TFif ($bang_it)
3550TFif grep(($$_[2] ne $op), @$ops)
3560TFif $op eq '+'
3570TFif $op eq '-'
3820TF$op eq 'c' ? :