What is Selenium?
- A tool for testing your website
- Written in Java
- Similar to Test::WWW::Mechanize
- But tests at the browser level
- Tests closer to the real user experience
- Exercises your JavaScript
- Tests your site in any browser
Selenium IDE
- Firefox plugin
- Designer can create tests
- Records your actions in the browser
- Replays them
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Lack of automation
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Lack of automation
4 ingredients
- Perl test
- Selenium server
- Web browser
- Website
use Test::Most;
use Test::WWW::Selenium;
my $s = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
host => "localhost",
port => 4444,
browser => "*firefox",
browser_url => "http://localhost:5000",
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures");
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
use Test::Most;
use Test::WWW::Selenium;
my $s = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
host => "localhost",
port => 4444,
browser => "*firefox",
browser_url => "http://localhost:5000",
$s->open_ok("/index.tt"); sleep 2;
$s->wait_for_page_to_load_ok; sleep 2;
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pics"); sleep 2;
$s->click_ok("searchButton"); sleep 2;
$s->wait_for_page_to_load_ok; sleep 2;
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Designers can't easily write tests
- Lack of automation
use Test::Most;
use Test::WWW::Selenium;
my $s = Test::WWW::Selenium->new(
host => "localhost",
port => 4444,
browser => "*firefox",
browser_url => "http://localhost:5000",
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures");
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
use Test::Most;
use MySelenium;
my $s = MySelenium->new;
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures");
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
extend 'Test::WWW::Selenium';
Moose cannot extend non Moose libraries
MooseX::NonMoose can extend non Moose libraries
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
extend 'Test::WWW::Selenium';
MooseX::NonMoose does not work on parents that use AUTOLOAD
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Test::WWW::Selenium dislikes Moose
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Designers can't easily write tests
- Lack of automation
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
extends 'Test::WWW::Selenium::More';
has host => (...);
has port => (...);
has browser => (...);
has browser_url => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'http://localhost:5000'
no Moose;
use Test::Most;
use MySelenium;
my $s = MySelenium->new;
$s->note('Are there enough cat pictures?');
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures");
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
use Test::Most;
use MySelenium;
my $s = MySelenium->new;
$s->note('Are there enough cat pictures?');
$s->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures");
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
$s->note('Check results as a logged in user');
$s->login_ok('bob'); # not in the Selenium API
$s->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
extends 'Test::WWW::Selenium::More';
has host => (...);
has port => (...);
has browser => (...);
has browser_url => (is => 'rw', isa => 'Str',
default => 'http://localhost:5000');
sub login_ok {
my ($self, $username, $password) = @_;
$self->type_ok(username => $username);
$self->type_ok(password => $password);
no Moose;
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
extends 'Test::WWW::Selenium::More';
with 'MySelenium::Roles::Authentication';
has host => (...);
has port => (...);
has browser => (...);
has browser_url => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'http://localhost:5000'
no Moose;
package MySelenium;
use Moose;
extends 'Test::WWW::Selenium::More';
with 'MySelenium::Roles::Authentication';
with 'MySelenium::Roles::Payments';
# etc
has host => (...);
has port => (...);
has browser => (...);
has browser_url => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
default => 'http://localhost:5000'
no Moose;
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Test::WWW::Selenium dislikes Moose
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Designers can't easily write tests
- Lack of automation
Method chaining
use Test::Most;
use MySelenium;
->note('Are there enough cat pictures?')
->type_ok(searchInput => "cat pictures")
->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results')
->note('Check results as a logged in user')
->login_ok('bob') # not in the Selenium API
->is_text_present_ok('2 bajillion results');
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Test::WWW::Selenium dislikes Moose
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Designers can't easily write tests
- Lack of automation
- Written in Java
- cron with a web interface and features
- The moose dev team uses it
- Unreliable tests
- It's not Perl
- Test::WWW::Selenium dislikes Moose
- Repetition: can't easily use libraries
- Designers can't easily write tests
- Lack of automation
Bonus slide
Test your website
on multiple browsers/operating systems
using virtual machines in your browser
for free